Today I found photos that were taken a long time ago - 3 years ago to be exact. I had long forgotten about these till I cleared my disk and found them in an obscure folder. It really brought back memories because even though my amateurish photography, I could see the simplicity in us. Even with the upcoming exams (taken days before the all important spm), we were still having fun goofing around.
A long time ago, when people told me that I would miss school
, that the time then was the best, I scoffed that remark. But now, I think its not the school but the memories - shared secrets, jokes, dramas and arguments made along the well familiar paths that was memorable.
There are many people that we meet in our lives. But only very few will make a lasting impression on our mind and hearts. It is these people that we will think of often and who will always remain important as true friends.
The ones who didn't...I won't say they weren't true because once upon a time we were friends and though it didn't last, though you may not think about it any more - I will because the moment we had will always be special.
With the coming of the Lunar New Year, I would like to thank my friend(s) who has constantly encouraged me to continue writing. I could see so much has changed and yet remained the same - traces of my past and who I once was. I can't help but wish to go back in time...but I know I cannot regret but from time to time one can't help but wonder.
But when I look into the sky that was taken 3 years ago. One can't help but to be filled with hope.