Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blame the Rain

In my book there are only a few reasons why I skip school.

1. Raining cats and dogs.

2. Sick

3. Late

And today It was raining like dinosours. XD I couldn't even get out of the house without getting drenched. There is also the matter of lightning. So with this lucky chance (not so lucky I later learned: missed the introduction for a new chapter in a few subjects)

So my parents took the opportunity and brought us to watch G.I Joe. It was awsome. I might blog more about it soon.

(Update: G.I Joe was awsome~ Too much to say so just watch it kay~~)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Of Celebrations~Reminders & DEADlines~!!

Nothing much happened...except I'm sooo DEAD. To make it simple...

1. EXAM IS OVER~!! What a relieve~~I think I did pretty well too...well except for add maths. I think I've successfully failed...again. Depressing.

2. I really have to study. At this rate I'll never get the STRAIGHT A's I wanted. Bt its so difficult with me being this lazy. Damn.

PS: Isn't this quote most appropriate~~

3. I'm at loss for what I should choose as my BM oral test material. Should I do a cerpen...or some komsas thingy...or some random newspaper report. I definitely cannot do a puisi or syair (my terrible intonation can kill people) Its due THIS Tuesday. What am I going to do~?? *runs around panicking* Any suggestions?

4. Anyway~A very Happy belated b'day to Kumu-chan on the 5th of July I think. May the love of everyone shine on you. XD

Thanks for the chocolates ^^ Luved them. Its yummy so be jealous MUAHAHAHa XD

Oh check this out~!! Strange isn't it...Its my liquid acting weird.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Exam Much~!

It's two days before exam and I haven't done any studying usual.

Here's my schedule:

4th August

08:00am-09:00am - Malay Language
09:10am-10.10am - Economics
11:45am-12:45pm - Moral

5th August

08:00am-09:00am - English
09:40am-10:40am - Accounts
11:40am-12:40pm - Science

6th August

09:40am-10:40am - History

7th August

08:25am-09:25am - Additional Maths
11:15am-12:15pm - Mathematics

Friday is a killer. Its a crime to have TWO maths exam on the SAME day~!! Well wish me luck anyway. I'm soo gonna need it.