Wednesday, February 1, 2012

%&#$ you

Today I had experienced my first time as a restaurant manager...and boy do I suck. All the mental preparation came to naught as things change and you have adapt.

However I have much to thank my friends and also my co-worker/ classmates for their support. Now I need to analyse my mistake to see where have I gone wrong.

There was so many things that could've been done better. I was frantic when we had a last minute walk in of 8 VIP guest. I've also forgotten to prepare a soundtrack...and during the course of lunch, we did not do crumbing, change cutleries. I also felt like we were too slow and guests were kept waiting for too long.

But my biggest pet peeve today was the b*tch who ffk-ed me. Imagine if I did not have the additional walk in...what am I going to tell the lecturer? The whole world could ffk me buy never her. I hate the fact that I just got manipulated/ threatened by her. 

"Next time you guys also have commercial, also need people to help you, so help us this time, next time we can help you." 

This is her direct quote. I wasn't happy with the manner and tone she said this. I felt like she was threatening that If I did not attend hers, she wouldn't attend mine. So FINE I attend but in return she must attend mine. 

Even though we're suppose to collect payment first, I trusted you as a friend that you would come when you said you would. She didn't even have the decency to inform me. Don't promise if you can't because you;ll just be ruining people's life. She should know better as our course is 100% coursework s every single mark is important. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...someone had a bad day.

Anyhow, chill~!
Just learn from your mistakes. After all, life is all about making and learning from mistakes.

So yea. Don't worry, you'll get better with practice.

As for people like that, just ignore them. They are not worth your time. That's all I can say.

Anyway, take care & stay strong, my friend~~! <3