Sunday, March 4, 2012

Writers Block

I hate the feeling when I want to blog something and I can't for some reason. Sometimes I feel like my mind is unable to construct the topic I wish to blog about. So much to blog about and yet....

A nice example would be about my New Year trip two months ago which I doubt it will ever appear XXD

So there.

I'm also feeling particularly nostalgic recently as I am infecting my college friends with my all time favourite anime D.gray-Man and Code Geass. When I mean all time fav it really is as I strongly prefer manga.

Life's good for now, maybe I'll be making some apple tarts

Cheers. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol. I completely get what you mean with the nostalgia. I get it too, sometimes.

Writer's block for blogging? Well, I'm kinda surprised. Well, just let it flow. Think of your week and what you want to say. If it's a lot, then, just say it even if it's the most nonsensical thing (that's what my blog is anyways)

Try to summarize how you feel. So yea.

Good luck on the writer's block.

And ooh, did I hear apple tarts?? YUMMY~! xPP