Friday, October 15, 2010

Moving On~

Hey People~

Its been a long time since I've updated. I've just been past a turbulent part of my life. I'm moving on right now literally to Wordpress Tumblr (sorry to Wordpress fans but I really dislike it ;P) where I hope I could begin blogging there afresh.

Here's the link>>>>

This is a quote I stumbled upon that I find quite relevant to my current predicament

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Talk about Drama~~

This is so very overdue. There is so much happening and so little time that I just feel like its such a bother to blog about everything.

In the recent months there is trouble brewing between my class & another. Quite a big issue at first (well there is $$ at stake) but then well we just couldn't care less anymore. We all have friends in the other class too. So currently everything is going smoothly I think...

Anyway I'm going to leave things at this. I'm swamped with homework, projects, folios & exams that somehow or another LOVE to pick the SAME datelines. What I'm bothered is the fact that I signed myself up for EVERYTHING~~Maybe AFTER I dig myself out I'll blog some more but till then~~well we'll see.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The day has Come.

Today was really exhilarating~!! I didn't know debate would be this challenging & fun. Well for most of us, this is our maiden debate.

It was quite hyped out, Arts 1 are going against Science 1. The motion was "This house believes that advertisement brings more harm than good." and I am the 2nd opposition speaker.

The result was close, lost by 2 points. Even so, some think that the judges were bias. During the debate, Science 1 had "informants" which was illegal. They weren't suppose to have extra people helping them during the debate!!

Point 2, During POI, twice they have overstepped their boundaries by arguing with me AFTER stating their point of information. Third, the 3rd speaker has brought up a NEW point when she was supposed to do only REBUTTALS which was again against the rule.

I didn't know how the finals went, but its gotta be amazing because the motion was really difficult. "This house should abolish death penalty"...or something like that. Debate is really thrilling. I wanted to go back there and re-do it but what is bygone is bygone so whatever.

I really salute those debaters. I myself find it hard to keep a level head and also remember what the opponent say and also what your team mates mentioned. I find myself losing track on what I was supposed to say XD

Congrats to the winning team~!! ^^